Japan Tobacco

美 [dʒə'pæn təˈbækoʊ]英 [dʒə'pæn təˈbækəʊ]
  • 网络日本烟草;日本烟草公司;日本烟草株式会社;日本烟草产业株式会社
Japan TobaccoJapan Tobacco
  1. Japan Tobacco and British American have a similar tale of woe .


  2. The measures are dealing a blow to monopoly cigarette maker Japan Tobacco .


  3. Japanese laws require Japan Tobacco to purchase all of its tobacco leaf from local farmers for domestic production .


  4. Japan Tobacco had been wanting to infuse fresh capital in the Indian unit for some time .


  5. The region accounts for almost half of Japan Tobacco 's overseas cigarette sales by volume , according to the company .


  6. If the trailer gains popularity Japan Tobacco may introduce more of them , a JT official said .


  7. Japan Tobacco includes Russia in its Rest of the World unit , which accounted for17 percent of sales last fiscal year .


  8. C , Japan Tobacco Inc , in aspects market competition environment , product competitive power , brand competitive power , using concrete newest statistical data .


  9. The government 's holding in Japan Tobacco has already come down to the legal minimum and any sale would need revisions to the law .


  10. For those reasons , perhaps , neither Imperial Tobacco nor Japan Tobacco has made public forays into the harm-reduction field .


  11. Japan Tobacco Inc. ( JT ) is the third largest tobacco company in the world , having its headquarters in Tokyo .


  12. Another foreign brand that made its way through the official route is Winston , which is from the standard category , owned by Japan Tobacco International .


  13. But Japan Tobacco says it will keep on doing all it can to keep smokers as happy as possible , at least wherever it 's possible .


  14. So far this year , both Japan Tobacco and Philip Morris International have seen sales declines accelerate in previously reliable markets such as eastern Europe .


  15. Global tobacco companies British American Tobacco , Japan Tobacco Inc. , Philip Morris International and Imperial Tobacco Plc are the main buyers of Indian leaf .


  16. British American Tobacco ( along with three co-plaintiffs ), the Imperial Tobacco Group and Japan Tobacco International are each mounting a legal challenge to the ban .


  17. They urged the government to follow other European Union countries and sign agreements with Philip Morris International and Japan Tobacco to fight smuggling and counterfeiting .


  18. In the face of declining cigarette sales , the farmers have responded to a recent offer of compensation by Japan Tobacco Inc to those willing to stop production .


  19. The threat of price competition has also eased after large mergers such as Imperial Tobacco 's purchase of Altadis and Japan Tobacco 's acquisition of Gallaher .


  20. That 's what Tokyo smokers got when Japan Tobacco Inc. rolled out a trailer that was remodeled for use as a free-smoking space .


  21. Japan Tobacco Inc is aiming to achieve a third consecutive year of domestic market share growth by enhancing the look of its and Japan 's biggest selling brand , Mild Seven .


  22. The dumplings were sold by a subsidiary of Japan Tobacco , which immediately recalled 23 frozen-food products made by the same supplier , Tianyang Food .


  23. Japan Tobacco international ( JTI ), which supplies the Camel and Winston brands in Bulgaria , said the amendment would hurt cigarette companies by making the market unpredictable .


  24. Foreign cigarette makers , such as British American Tobacco and Japan Tobacco International , also have stakes in the industry , while other firms are working on their own vaporous offerings .


  25. On the grounds of a private company 's office building , Japan Tobacco has even set up a smoking van where smokers can do their thing in comfort , rain or shine .


  26. However , through the innovative route , Japan Tobacco has bypassed the need to go to FIPB as the fresh investment does not entail any increase in the company 's shareholding .


  27. Japan Tobacco , Japan 's number one tobacco company , placed the remodeled trailer in the city 's central Chiyoda ward , which late last year began fining anyone caught smoking in the street .


  28. Japan Tobacco Inc. , the world 's third-largest publicly traded cigarette maker , said demand is recovering in Russia , Ukraine and neighboring countries , as the region emerges from the global recession .


  29. Since China became a full WTO member , some transnational tobacco giants , such as Philip Morris , British American Tobacco , Japan Tobacco and Imperial Tobacco , have shifted their attention onto markets in China in face of a shrinking international market .


  30. But that 's changing now and times are getting a lot tougher for Japan 's tobacco monopoly .
